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Invited Seminars



Title Presenter Location
Analysing ethnic preferences using a discrete choice modelling framework Ibraimovic, T. Leeds University, UK
Decision field theory- improvements to current methodology and contrasts with standard choice modelling techniques Hancock, T.O. KU Leuven, Belgium
Eliciting treatment preferences of diabetes patients using DCM Dekker, T. Queen's University Belfast, UK


Title Presenter Location
Departures from rationality in discrete choice: Theory and an example in Transport Economics Dekker, T. Universidad del País Vasco, Spain
Developments in choice modelling and challenges for practice Hess, S. Transport for New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Estimation of new economic transport measures for Singapore Hess, S. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
How much do travellers value time: new evidence from the UK Hess, S. University of Western Australia
Moving away from random utility: do the gains really outweigh the losses? Hess, S. University of Western Australia
Social networks, activities and travel: building links to understand behaviour Calastri, C. ETH Zurich, Switzerland
The influence of social interactions on residential location choice decisions: An analysis of the impacts on ethnic residential segregation Ibraimovic, T. Kraks Fond - Institute for Urban Economic Research, Copenhagen, Denmark


Title Presenter Location
A Bayesian perspective on sampling of alternatives Dekker, T. KU Leuven, Belgium
Can behavioural science help in guiding policy decisions - a modeller's view Hess, S. University of Pretoria, South Africa
How much do travellers value time: new evidence from the UK Hess, S. University of Sydney, Australia
Incorporating attitudinal constructs - Theory and an application to back pain Hess, S. University of Aberdeen, UK
Investigating travel choices with discrete choice modelling Calastri, C. Italian National Research Council
Patient Preferences for Pain Management Services in Advanced Cancer: A Discrete Choice Experiment. Meads, D.M. University of Newcastle, UK
Specification and estimation of behavioural models for the 2015 UK value of time study Hess, S. KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden
Specification and estimation of behavioural models for the 2015 UK value of time study Hess, S. University of South Australia
Understanding travel and other choices Calastri, C. University of Siena, Italy
What can choice modelling learn from behavioural economics and does it matter? Hess, S. Northwestern University, IL, USA


Title Presenter Location
A mixed random utility - Random regret model linking the choice of decision rule to latent character traits Hess, S. University of California at Irvine, USA
Choice modelling: background and recent issues Hess, S. Land Transport Authority (LTA), Singapore
Computation of willingness-to-pay measures from random utility models Hess, S. University of California at Santa Barbara, USA
Indirect inference in large scale applications Hess, S. Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Intra-respondent heterogeneity in a stated choice survey on wetland conservation in Belarus: first steps towards creating a link with uncertainty in contingent valuation Hess, S. Stirling University, UK
Multiculturalism in Tessin: Near or far? Integration and social exclusion in Lugano: Results from a research study Ibraimovic, T. Cantonal Integration Day, Lugano, Switzerland
Putting behaviour (back) into choice modelling: what are the benefits for transport research Hess, S. Leadership seminar, University of Sydney, Australia
Rail in National Transport Modelling Daly, A.J. Workshop for Rijskwaterstaat, Schiphol, Netherlands
The role of modelling in supporting transport policy Daly, A.J. Cardiff University, UK



Type Title Presenter Location
Keynote Innovative travel demand modelling using novel data sources Hess, S. 2018 TRANSW Symposium Sydney
Keynote From brainwaves to utilities: what can choice modellers learn from neuroscience and mathematical psychology? Hess, S. ICW 2018, Santiago, Chile


Type Title Presenter Location
Keynote Quo vadis choice modelling in environmental research: more of the same or brave new departures? Hess, S. ENVECHO 2017, Bern
Keynote Travel demand modelling and the twin challenges of urbanisation and new data Hess, S. 2017 Newton Fund Researcher Links Workshop, Shanghai


Type Title Presenter Location
Plenary Is Regret a suitable basis for large-scale travel demand modelling Daly, A.J. Symposium: Random Regret Minimisation for travel behaviour research: State-of-the-art and the road ahead, Delft, Netherlands
Plenary Limitations and contrasts: re-evaluating the benefits of alternatives to RUM Hess, S. Symposium: Random Regret Minimisation for travel behaviour research: State-of-the-art and the road ahead, Delft, Netherlands
Plenary Welfare Economics in RRM Dekker, T. Symposium: Random Regret Minimisation for travel behaviour research: State-of-the-art and the road ahead, Delft, Netherlands


Type Title Presenter Location
Keynote An outsider’s view on choice modelling work in environmental economics Hess, S. Third Workshop On Non-Market Valuation (WONV), Nancy, France
Plenary Advances in value of time modelling and implications for practice Hess, S. Symposium in Honour of Dan McFadden, Université Cergy Pontoise, Paris, France
Plenary Issues in the use of choice modelling to support transport policy Daly, A.J. Symposium in Honour of Dan McFadden, Université Cergy Pontoise, Paris, France


Type Title Presenter Location
Keynote Challenges for very large transport models: the example of TransTools3 Hess, S. 10th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods, Leura, Australia
Inaugural Speech Would predicting peoples' choices get any easier if we understood behaviour Hess, S. CMC, Leeds University, UK
Plenary Intra-respondent heterogeneity in a stated choice survey on wetland conservation in Belarus: first steps towards creating a link with uncertainty in contingent valuation Hess, S. 3rd European Workshop on Discrete Choice Modelling, Padua, Italy
Plenary Maximise your utility by minimising regret: contrasts between two behavioural paradigms Hess, S. 3rd European Workshop on Discrete Choice Modelling, Padua, Italy



Title Presenter Location
Discovering causal structure from observations: experiments with causal discovery on attitudinal data Pereira, F., Dastjerdi, A., Hess, S. 6th International Choice Modelling Conference, Kobe, Japan
The path of life: modelling life course events using route choice model techniques Crastes dit Sourd, R., Calastri, C., Hess, S., Choudhury, C.F., Palma, D. 6th International Choice Modelling Conference, Kobe, Japan
Theoretical considerations for a dynamic model for dynamic data: bridging choice modelling with mathematical psychology Hancock, T.O., Hess, S., Choudhury, C.F., Bogacz, M. 6th International Choice Modelling Conference, Kobe, Japan
Getting the best of both worlds - a framework for combining disaggregate travel survey data and aggregate mobile phone data for trip generation modelling Bwambale, A., Choudhury, C.F., Hess, S., Iqbal, S. 6th International Choice Modelling Conference, Kobe, Japan
A study of parenting choices: exploring the influence of geospatial opportunities Calastri C., Hess, S., Newing, A. 6th International Choice Modelling Conference, Kobe, Japan
Comparison of machine learning clustering algorithms and latent classes for capturing heterogeneity in choice models Tsoleridis, P., Choudhury, C.F., Hess, S. 6th International Choice Modelling Conference, Kobe, Japan
Capturing zero-price effects in stated choice surveys and implications for willingness-topay computation Tjiong, J., Dekker, T., Hess, S., Giergiczny, M., Ojeda-Cabral, M. 6th International Choice Modelling Conference, Kobe, Japan
Joint modelling of choice and rating data: theory and examples Webb, E., Hess, S. 6th International Choice Modelling Conference, Kobe, Japan
An MDCEV model with unknown budget Palma D., Hess, S. 6th International Choice Modelling Conference, Kobe, Japan
Identification and interpretation of process parameters in mathematical psychology models Hess, S., Hancock, T.O. 6th International Choice Modelling Conference, Kobe, Japan
Opportunities for short sea shipping in the southern African development community: evidence based on discrete choice modelling Konstantinus, A., Zuidgeest, M., Hess, S., de Jong, G. 6th International Choice Modelling Conference, Kobe, Japan
The use of contraception among young South Africans: a longitudinal choice model Tamuka Moyo, H., Calastri, C., Zuidgeest, M., Hess, S. 6th International Choice Modelling Conference, Kobe, Japan
Using state-of-the-art models in applied work: travellers willingness to pay for a toll tunnel in Copenhagen Lu, H., Patruni, B., Rohr, C., Hess, S., Daly, A., Vuk, G., Paag, H. 6th International Choice Modelling Conference, Kobe, Japan
The ability to and need for estimating models with a high number of alternatives aka: enumerative models Spitz, G., Hess, S. 6th International Choice Modelling Conference, Kobe, Japan
Investigation of factors influencing individual exploration patterns Tsoleridis, P., Choudhury, C.F., Hess, S. 6th International Choice Modelling Conference, Kobe, Japan
Fancy sharing an air taxi? Uncovering the impact of variety seeking on the demand for new shared mobility services Song, F., Hess, S., Dekker, T. 6th International Choice Modelling Conference, Kobe, Japan
Quantum rotation: a new method for capturing a change of perspective Hancock, T.O., Hess, S., Choudhury, C.F. 6th International Choice Modelling Conference, Kobe, Japan
Route choice behaviour under travel time uncertainty accounting for learning via description and experience-based feedback Fayyaz, M., Bliemer, M., Beck, M., Rutström, E., Hess, S., van Lint, J.W.C. 6th International Choice Modelling Conference, Kobe, Japan
Modelling risk perception using a dynamic hybrid choice model and brain-imaging data: application to virtual reality cycling Bogacz, M., Hess, S., Choudhury, C.F., Calastri, C., Erath, A., Van Eggermond, M., Mushtaq, F., Awais, M. 6th International Choice Modelling Conference, Kobe, Japan
Episode-based approach to multiple discrete continuous (MDC) models: a novel framework for time use analysis Enam, A., Palma, D., Hess, S., Calastri, C., Crastes dit Sourd, R. 6th International Choice Modelling Conference, Kobe, Japan
Hybrid choice models: state of the art in transportation Dekker, T. 6th International Choice Modelling Conference, Kobe, Japan
Alternative non-additively separable utility functions for random utility maximization based multiple discrete continuous models Pellegrini, A., Saxena, S., Pinjari, A., Dekker, T. 6th International Choice Modelling Conference, Kobe, Japan
The economics of participatory value evaluation Dekker, T., Koster, P., Mouter, N. 6th International Choice Modelling Conference, Kobe, Japan
Temporal transferability of vehicle ownership trip generation and tour patterns in Nairobi, Kenya Choudhury, C.F., Alongu, L., Hanaoka, S. 6th International Choice Modelling Conference, Kobe, Japan
Unravelling the effects of sociodemographics personality trait and state stress on driving choices Choudhury, C.F., Paschalidis, E., Enam, E. 6th International Choice Modelling Conference, Kobe, Japan
Deriving metrics of driving comfort for autonomous vehicles: a time-series latent variable approach of speed choice Paschalidis, E., Hajiseyedjavadi, F., Wei, C., Solernou Crusat, A., Merat, N., Romano, R., Boer, E. 6th International Choice Modelling Conference, Kobe, Japan


Title Presenter Location
A hybrid DCM application in freight mode choice set in the Port of Ghent (Belgium): do environmental attitudes matter? de Tremerie, L., Hess, S., de Jong, G. 5th International Choice Modelling Conference, Cape Town, South Africa
A latent class model of residential choice behaviour and ethnic segregation preferences Ibraimovic, T., Hess, S. 14th IMISCOE annual conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands
A model averaging approach for incorporating taste, decision rule and model structure heterogeneity Hess, S. 5th International Choice Modelling Conference, Cape Town, South Africa
A Peek at the Future: Capturing the Anticipation Effects in Dynamic Discrete Choice Models Choudhury, C.F., Hess, S. 5th International Choice Modelling Conference, Cape Town, South Africa
Can a better model specification avoid the need to move away from random utility maximisation? Hess, S., Beck, M., Crastes dit Sourd, R. 96th annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA
Critical Appraisal of Use of Simple Time-Money Trade-Offs for Appraisal Value of Time Measures Hess, S., Börjesson, M., Daly, A.J. 96th annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA
Dealing with discrete-continuous activity decisions across multiple days in the presence of day-specific constraints and preferences Calastri, C., Hess, S., Daly, A.J., Pinjari, A., Carrasco, J.A. 5th International Choice Modelling Conference, Cape Town, South Africa
Decision field theory- improvements to current methodology and contrasts with standard choice modelling techniques Hancock, T.O., Hess, S., Choudhury, C.F. 5th International Choice Modelling Conference, Cape Town, South Africa
Developing Mode Choice Models Using Semi-ubiquitous Data Sources: Case Study Using Smartphone-Based GPS Survey from Italy Calastri, C., Hess, S., Choudhury, C.F., Daly, A.J., Gabrielli, L. 96th annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA
Disentangling status quo bias and zero-price effect for more robust estimation of welfare changes Tjiong, J., Giergiczny, M., Hess, S., Dekker, T., Czajkowski, M. 5th International Choice Modelling Conference, Cape Town, South Africa
Dummy coding vs effects coding for categorical variables in choice models: clarifications and extensions Daly, A.J., Dekker, T., Hess, S. 96th annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA
Dwelling and Residential Location Choice Models on Complete Market Data Smith, B., Olaru, D., Hess, S., Beck, M., Choudhury, C.F. 5th International Choice Modelling Conference, Cape Town, South Africa
East Coast Urbanites vs West Coast hippies: understanding differences in attitudes towards public transport Spitz, G., Hess, S. 5th International Choice Modelling Conference, Cape Town, South Africa
Estimation of new monetary valuations of travel time, quality of travel and safety for Singapore Hess, S., Murphy, P., Le, H., Leong, W. 96th annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA
Ethnic segregation and residential location choice in Cape Town Ibraimovic, T., Hess, S., Moyo, H. T. T., Zuidgeest, M. 5th International Choice Modelling Conference, Cape Town, South Africa
Expanding the capabilities of decision field theory to complement random utility models of travel mode Hancock, T.O., Hess, S., Choudhury, C.F. 96th annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA
Implications of patient heterogeneity in health care service preferences: a case study in the provision of community intravenous antibiotics in the UK Meads, D.M., Hess, S., et al. 5th International Choice Modelling Conference, Cape Town, South Africa
Incorporating the Social Dimension in Choice of Activity Type and Duration: Application of Multiple Discrete-Continuous Extreme Value Model Calastri, C., Hess, S., Carrasco, J.A. 96th annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA
Introducing a mixed methods framework using qualitative interview data and choice modeling techniques: a case study on freight shippers in Belgium de Tremerie, L., de Jong, G., Hess, S., Beck, M. 5th International Choice Modelling Conference, Cape Town, South Africa
Investigating the effects of stress on choices - Evidence from gap acceptance decisions of drivers in a simulator experiment Paschalidis, E., Choudhury, C.F., Hess, S. 5th International Choice Modelling Conference, Cape Town, South Africa
Keeping social contacts over time: the role of life-course events and latent tie strength Calastri, C., Hess, S., Carrasco, J.A., Choudhury, C.F. 5th International Choice Modelling Conference, Cape Town, South Africa
Modelling awareness and consideration in transport mode choice : an application on the Rome - Milan corridor. Capurso, M., Hess, S., Dekker, T. 5th International Choice Modelling Conference, Cape Town, South Africa
Modelling awareness and consideration in transport mode choice : an application on the Rome - Milan corridor. Capurso, M., Hess, S., Dekker, T. 96th annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA
Modelling Contact Mode and Frequency of Interactions with Social Network Members Using Multiple Discrete-Continuous Extreme Value Model Calastri, C., Hess, S., Daly, A.J., Maness, M., Kowald, M., Axhausen, K. 96th annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA
Modelling food and beverages purchase process: Combining sensory science and advanced discrete choice in a wine case study Palma, D., Ortúzar, J de D., Rizzi, L.I., Hess, S., Calastri, C. 5th International Choice Modelling Conference, Cape Town, South Africa
Modelling route choice using mobile phone data: a case study of Senegal Bwambale, A., Choudhury, C.F., Hess, S. 5th International Choice Modelling Conference, Cape Town, South Africa
Modelling state dependence in rare life course events: Introducing the Accumulative Hybrid Choice Skew Multivariate Probit Crastes dit Sourd, R., Beck, M., Choudhury, C.F., Dekker, T., Hess, S. 5th International Choice Modelling Conference, Cape Town, South Africa
Modelling the role and impact of variety-seeking on mode choice behaviour in the context of air-HSR intermodality Song, F., Hess,S., Dekker, T. 5th International Choice Modelling Conference, Cape Town, South Africa
Modelling Trip Generation Using Mobile Phone Data: A Latent Demographics Approach Bwambale, A., Choudhury, C.F., Hess, S. 96th annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA
Reference-dependent Choice Set Formation for Modelling of Long-term and Medium-term Residential Location Choices Haque, M.B., Choudhury, C.F., Hess, S. 5th International Choice Modelling Conference, Cape Town, South Africa
Revisiting the MDCEV utility function: origins, weak complementarity, minimum consumption and efficient welfare measurement Dekker, T., Calastri, C., Daly, A.J., Hess, S. 5th International Choice Modelling Conference, Cape Town, South Africa
Should Transport Analysts Worry About Incentive Compatibility? Crastes dit Sourd, R., Börjesson, M., Hess, S., Hensher, D. 96th annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA
Stability of Preferences and Attitudes: Hybrid Model of Air Travel Preferences at Two Different Points in Time Beck, M., Hess, S. 96th annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA
Using advanced choice models to study animal behavior Giergiczny, M., Hess, S. 5th International Choice Modelling Conference, Cape Town, South Africa
Using Revealed-Preferences Sampled Choice-sets in Stated-Preference Surveys Guevara, C.A., Hess, S. 5th International Choice Modelling Conference, Cape Town, South Africa
When expensive is good: Modelling the effect of price on wine choice. Palma, D., Hess, S., Guevara, C.A., Rizzi, L.I., Ortúzar, J. de D., Casaubon, G. 13th International Conference of the Western Economic Association International, Santiago, Chile


Title Presenter Location
A Combined Residential Location and Transport Mode Choice Model Haque, M.B.,
Choudhury, C.F.,
Hess, S.
5th symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), Delft, Netherlands
A Dynamic Approach to Long Term Mobility Decisions in the Life Course Ehreke, I.,
Crastes dit Sourd, R.,
Beck, M.,
Hess, S.,
Axhausen, K.W.,
Holz-Rau, C.,
Scheiner, J.
95th annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA
Choices and consumption: modelling long and short term decisions in a changing world Calastri, C.,
Hess, S.,
Crastes dit Sourd, R.
Behavioural Processes: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods Subcommittee, Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting 2016, Washington DC, USA
Considering latent money and time budgets in choice modelling Tjiong, J.,
Dekker, T.,
Hess, S.,
Ojeda Cabral, M.
5th symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), Delft, Netherlands
Development of an integrated acceleration model combining driving simulator and video trajectory data Paschalidis, E.,
Choudhury, C.F.,
Hess, S.
5th symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), Delft, Netherlands
How much do attitudes and values matter in mode choice? Hess, S.,
Spitz, G
95th annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA
Incorporating irrationalities in decision making into choice modelling: going beyond small changes from the tried and tested Hancock, T.O.,
Hess, S.,
Choudhury, C.F.
5th symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), Delft, Netherlands
Investigating the impact of soft factors on activities and travel: A case from Concepcion, Chile Calastri, C.,
Hess, S.,
Carrasco, J.A.
International Conference of Transport Economics (ITEA), Santiago, Chile.
Modelación de la demanda por transporte terrestre desde aeropuertos: el caso de Santiago de Chile. Lizana, A.,
Delgado, F.,
Hurtubia, R.,
Palma, D.
Congreso Panamericano de Ingeniería de Tránsito, Mexico City, Mexico
Modelling awareness and consideration in transport mode choice : an application on the Rome - Milan corridor. Capurso, M.,
Hess, S.,
Dekker, T.
5th symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), Delft, Netherlands
Modelling multiple discrete-continuous choices: An application to communication patterns with social network members Calastri, C.,
Hess, S.,
Daly, A.J.,
Maness, M.,
Kowald, M.,
Axhausen, K.
5th symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), Delft, Netherlands
Specification and Estimation of Behavioral Models for the 2015 UK Value of Time Study Hess, S.,
Daly, A.J.,
Dekker, T.,
Ojeda Cabral, M.,
Batley, R.P.
95th annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA
Temporal Transferability of Vehicle Ownership Models in the Developing World: A Case Study of Dhaka, Bangladesh Anyiko, F.,
Choudhury, C.F.
14th World Conference of the Transport Research Society, Shanghai, China
Understanding Attitudes Toward Congestion Pricing: Latent Variable Investigation with Data from Four Cities Hess, S.,
Börjesson, M.
95th annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA
Understanding mode choice from GPS panel data with consideration of environmental factors Calastri, C.,
Hess, S.,
Choudhury, C.F.,
Daly, A.J.,
Gabrielli, L.
International Conference of Transport Economics (ITEA), Santiago, Chile.
Using a mixed methods framework to address freight mode choice in green logistics De Tremerie, L. ELA European Doctorate Workshop in Vienna, Austria
Valuing Travel Time Savings: Case of Short-Term or Long-Term Choices? Beck, M.,
Ojeda Cabral, M.,
Ehreke, I.,
Hess, S.
95th annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA


Title Presenter Location
A Bayesian perspective on sampling of alternatives Dekker, T. 4th International Choice Modelling Conference, Austin, USA &
14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Windsor, UK
Assessment of LOS at pedestrian streets and qualitative factors. A pedestrians’ perception approach Lazou, O.,
Sakellariou, A.,
Basbas, S.,
Paschalidis, E.,
Politis, I.
7th International Congress on Transportation Research, Athens, Greece
Controlling for price endogeneity: A case study on Chinese wine preferences Palma, D.,
Ortúzar, J. de D.,
Casaubon, G.,
Ma, H.
Enometrics XXI, Lyon, France
How much do attitudes and values matter in mode choice? Spitz, G.M.,
Hess, S.
14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Windsor, UK
Indirect Inference for the Application of Random Regret Minimization to Large-Scale Travel Demand Dekker, T.,
Hess, S.,
van Cranenburgh, S.
94th annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA
Investigating the influence of social networks on travel decisions Calastri, C.,
Hess, S.,
Choudhury, C.F.
Frontiers in Transportation Workshop, July 2015, Windsor, UK
Lane-changing Characteristics At Weaving Section Kusuma, A.,
Liu, R.,
Choudhury, C.F.
94th annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA
Measuring the impact of multi-buy alcohol pricing promotions Daly, A.J.,
Hess, S.,
Lu, H.,
Rohr, C.
4th International Choice Modelling Conference, Austin, USA
Model development to investigate emerging transport policy issues Daly, A. Workshop, 4th International Choice Modelling Conference, Austin, USA
Modelling choice when price is a cue for quality: a case study on Chinese wine preferences.  Palma, D.,
Ortúzar, J. de D.,
Rizzi, L.I.,
Guevara, C.A.,
Casaubon, G.,
Ma, H.
4th International Choice Modelling Conference, Austin, USA
Modelling crowding discomfort in Santiago´s Metro: influence on time perception and policy implications Tirachini, A.,
Hurtubia, R.,
Dekker, T.
4th symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), Technical University of Denmark
Modelling State-dependence in Mode Choice Decisions Choudhury, C.F.,
Parkes, S.
14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Windsor, UK
Reliability in the German Value-of-Time Study Ehreke, I.,
Hess, S.,
Weis, C.,
Axhausen, K.W.
94th annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA
Temporal Transferability of Models of Mode and Destination Choice Fox, J.B.,
Hess, S.,
Daly, A.J.
14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Windsor, UK
Testing the Use of Indirect Influence for Large Scale Modelling Hess, S.,
Daly, A.J.,
Bradley, M.,
Outwater, M.,
Dekker, T.
4th International Choice Modelling Conference, Austin, USA
The German value of time and value of reliability study: Comparing alternative model formulations Ehreke, I.,
Hess, S.,
Axhausen, K.W.
14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Windsor, UK
The Influence of Anchoring on Value of Time Estimation in Stated Preference Experiments Bradley, M.,
Hess, S.,
Adler, T.J.,
Fowler, M.
4th International Choice Modelling Conference, Austin, USA & 14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Windsor, UK
The Temporal Transferability of Mixed Logit Mode-Destination Choice Models Fox, J.B.,
Hess, S.,
Daly, A.J.
4th International Choice Modelling Conference, Austin, USA
The Value of Travel Time: Random Utility versus Random Valuation Ojeda Cabral, M.,
Hess, S.,
Batley, R.
94th annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA
Tour-Based National Model System to Forecast Long-Distance Passenger Travel in the United States Outwater, M.,
Bradley, M.,
Ferdous, N.,
Bhat, C.,
Pendyala, R.,
Hess, S.,
Daly, A.J.,
LaMondia, J.
94th annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA
Understanding attitudes towards congestion pricing: a latent variable investigation with data from four cities Börjesson, M.,
Hess, S.
14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Windsor, UK
Understanding individuals’ valuations of travel time: the role of stated choice design variables Ojeda Cabral, M.,
Batley, R.P.,
Hess, S.
14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Windsor, UK
Understanding lane changing behaviour leading up to roadworks on motorways: a latent plan application using combined simulator experiments and stated preference surveys Hess, S.,
Bliemer, M.,
Hibberd, D.,
Choudhury, C.F.
14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Windsor, UK
Understanding mode choice from GPS panel data with consideration of environmental factors Calastri, C.,
Hess, S.,
Choudhury, C.F.,
Daly, A.J.,
Gabrielli, L.
14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Windsor, UK
Utility Maximization and Regret Minimization: Mixture of a Generalization Hess, S.,
Chorus, C.
94th annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA
Willingness to Accept Longer Commutes for Better Salaries: Understanding the Differences Within and Between Couples Beck, M.,
Hess, S.
94th annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA



Title Presenter Location
A Bayesian modelling framework for individual passengers’ probabilistic route choices: A case study on the London Underground Fu, Q.,
Liu, R.,
Hess, S.
93rd annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA
Contrasts Between Utility Maximization and Regret Minimization in the Presence of Opt-Out Alternatives Hess, S.,
Beck, M.,
Chorus, C.
93rd annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA
Developing Advanced Route Choice Models for Heavy Goods Vehicles Using GPS Data Hess, S.,
Quddus, M.A.,
Rieser-Schüssler, N.,
Daly, A.J.
93rd annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA
Developing Trip Generation Models Using Mobile Phone Call Records Choudhury, C.F.,
Iqbal, S.
3rd symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), University of Leeds, UK
Incorporating Needs Satisfaction and Regret Minimization in Discrete Choice Model of Leisure Activities Dekker, T.,
Hess, S.,
Arentze, T.A.,
Chorus, C.
93rd annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA
Individual-Level Models Versus Sample-Level Models: Contrasts and Mutual Benefits Dumont, J.,
Giergiczny, M.,
Hess, S.
93rd annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA
Linking Decision Process to Indicators of Real-World Perceptions in a Latent Variable Latent Class Approach Hess, S.,
Stathopoulos, A.
93rd annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA
Modelling Performance of Waterway Chowdhury, M.S.A.,
Haque, M.B.,
Sarwar, G.
Conference on Advances in Civil, Structural and Mechanical Engineering, Birmingham, UK
Practical Solutions for Sampling Alternatives in Large-Scale Models Daly, A.J.,
Hess, S.,
Dekker, T.
93rd annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA
TCRP Project H-37: Characteristics of Premium Transit Services That Affect Mode Choice-Key Findings and Results Outwater, M.L.,
Bhat, C.R.,
Pendyala, R.M.,
Hess, S.,
Sana, B.,
Ferdous, N.,
Woodford, W.,
Sidharthan, R.
93rd annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA
Tell me why you like to drink wine: drinking motivations as a basis for market segmentation Palma, D.,
Cornejo, C.,
Ortúzar, J. de D.,
Rizzi, L.I.,
Casaubon, G.
8th International Conference of the Academy of Wine Business Research, Geisenheim, Germany
Testing Consistency Between Choices in Best-Worst Surveys Giergiczny, M.,
Hess, S.,
Dekker, T.,
Chintakayala, P.K.
93rd annual meeting of the transportation research board, Washington DC, USA