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Below are tables of recent choice modelling related publications by members

Journal Publications in 2017

Title Journal Authors
Valuing travel time changes: a case of short-term or long-term choices? Transportation Research Part E Beck, M.J.,
Hess, S.,
Ojeda Cabral, M.,

Dubernet, I.
Modelling contact mode and frequency of interactions with social network members using the multiple discrete–continuous extreme value model Transportation Research Part C Calastri, C.,
Hess, S.,
Daly, A.
Maness, M.,
Kowald, M.,
Axhausen, K.
Functionality and feedback: a realist synthesis of the collation, interpretation and utilisation of patient-reported outcome measures data to improve patient care. NIHR Journals Library Greenhalgh, J.,
Dalkin, S.,
Meads, D.,
et al.
Understanding attitudes towards congestion pricing: a latent variable investigation with data from four cities Transportation Letters Hess, S.,
Börjesson, M.
A framework for capturing heterogeneity, heteroskedasticity, non-linearity, reference dependence and design artefacts in value of time research Transportation Research Part B Hess, S.,
Daly, A.,
Dekker, T.,
Ojeda Cabral, M.,
Batley, R.
Estimation of new monetary valuations of travel time, quality of travel and safety for Singapore Transportation Research Record Hess, S.,
Murphy, P.,
Le, H.,
Leong, W.Y.
Correlation and scale in mixed logit models Journal of Choice Modelling Hess, S.,
Train, K.E.
A latent class model of residential choice behaviour and ethnic segregation preferences Housing Studies Ibraimovic, T.,
Hess, S. 
Patient Preferences for Pain Management in Advanced Cancer: Results from a Discrete Choice Experiment Patient Meads, D.M.,
O'Dwyer, J.L.,
Hulme, C.T.,
Chintakayala, P.,
Vinall-Collier, K.,
Bennett, M.I.
The Community IntraVenous Antibiotic Study (CIVAS): a mixed-methods evaluation of patient preferences for and cost-effectiveness of different service models for delivering outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy.  NIHR Journals Library Minton, J.,
Murray, C.C.,
Meads, D.M.,
Hess, S.
et al.
Understanding valuation of travel time changes: are preferences different under different stated choice design settings? Transportation Ojeda Cabral, M.,
Hess, S.,
Batley, R.
Modelling heterogeneous preferences for wine: A case study with Chilean consumers. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research Palma, D.,
Ortúzar, J. de D.,
Rizzi, L.I.,
Casaubon, G.
Transferability of Car-Following Models between Driving Simulator and Field Traffic Transportation Research Record Papadimitrious, S.,
Choudhury, C.F.

Journal Publications in 2016

Title Journal Authors
Testing for regularity and stochastic transitivity using the structural parameter of nested logit Transportation Research Part B Batley, R.P.,
Hess, S.
Willingness to Accept Longer Commutes for Better Salaries: Understanding the Differences Within and Between Couples Transportation Research Part A Beck, M.J.,
Hess, S.
Modelling Acceleration Decisions in Traffic Streams with Weak Lane Discipline: A Latent Leader Approach Transportation Research Part C Choudhury, C.F.,
Islam, M.M.
Dummy coding vs effects coding for categorical variables: Clarifications and extensions Journal of Choice Modelling Daly, A.,
Dekker, T.,
Hess, S.
Asymmetric triangular mixing densities for mixed logit models Journal of Choice Modelling Dekker, T.
Decision uncertainty in multi-attribute stated preference studies Resource and Energy Economics Dekker, T.,
Hess, S.,

Brouwer, R.,
Hofkes, M.
Changes in the ethnic composition of neighbourhoods: Analysis of household's response and asymmetric preference structures Papers in Regional Science Ibraimovic, T.,
Hess, S. 
Improving bus service reliability: The Singapore experience Research in Transportation Economics Leong, W.,
Goh, K.,
Hess, S.,
Murphy, P.
Measuring the impact of alcohol multi-buy promotions on consumers’ purchase behaviour Journal of Choice Modelling Lu, H.,
Hess, S.,
Daly, A.J.
Rohr, C.
The value of travel time: random utility versus random valuation Transportmetrica A: Transport Science Ojeda Cabral, M.,
Hess, S.,
Batley, R.
Modelling choice when Price is a cue for quality: A case study with Chinese wine consumers. Journal of Choice Modelling Palma, D.,
Ortúzar, J. de D.,
Rizzi, L.I.,
Guevara, C.A.,
Casaubon, G.,
Ma, H.
"Put the blame on… others!”: The battle of cyclists against pedestrians and car drivers at the urban environment. A cyclists’ perception study. Transportation Research Part F Paschalidis, E.,
Basbas, S.,
Politis, I.,
Prodromou, M.
Pedestrian compliance and cross walking speed adaptation due to countdown timer installations: a self report study Transportation Research Part F Paschalidis, E.,
Politis, I.,
Basbas, S., Lambrianidou, P.
Asymmetric information and user orientation in general practice. Exploring the agency relationship in a best-worst scaling study Journal of Health Economics Pedersen, L.B.,
Kjaer, T.,
Hess, S.
Impact of family in-home quality time on person travel demand Transportation Vuk, G.,
Bowman, J.L.,
Daly, A.,
Hess, S.
Patient Acceptability of the Yorkshire Dialysis Decision Aid (YoDDA) Booklet: A Prospective Non-Randomized Comparison Study Across 6 Predialysis Services Peritoneal Dialysis International Winterbottom A.E.,
Gavaruzzi, T.,
Meads, D.M.
et al.

Journal Publications in 2015

Title Journal Authors
Improving value transfer through socio-economic adjustments in a multicountry choice experiment of water conservation alternatives Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics Brouwer, R.,
Martin-Ortega, J.,
Dekker, T.,
et al.
Why live far? — Insights from modeling residential location choice in Bangladesh Journal of Transport Geography Choudhury, C.F.,
Ayaz, S.B.
Community IntraVenous Antibiotic Study (CIVAS): Protocol for An Evaluation of Patient Preferences for and Cost effectiveness of Community Intravenous Antibiotic Services BMJ Open Czoski Murray, C.,
Twiddy, M.,
Meads, D.,
Hess, S.
et al.
The role of patients' age on their preferences for choosing additional blood pressure-lowering drugs: a discrete choice experiment in patients with diabetes PLOS ONE de Vries, S.T.,
de Vries, F.M.,
Dekker, T.,
et al.
Individual level models vs. sample level models: contrasts and mutual benefits Transportmetrica Dumont, J.,
Giergiczny, M.,
Hess, S.
Reliability in the German value of time study Transportation Research Record Ehreke, I.,
Hess, S.,
Weis, C.,
Axhausen, K.W.
Intra-respondent heterogeneity in a stated choice survey on wetland conservation in Belarus: first steps towards creating a link with uncertainty in contingent valuation Environmental & Resource Economics Hess, S.,
Giergiczny, M.
Developing advanced route choice models for heavy goods vehicles using GPS data Transportation Research Part E Hess, S.,
Quddus, M.,
Rieser, N.,
Daly, A.J. 
Incorporating environmental attitudes in discrete choice models: an exploration of the utility of the awareness of consequences scale Science of the Total Environment Hoyos, D.,
Mariel, P.,
Hess, S.
Memory, expectation formation and scheduling choices Economics of Transportation Koster, P.,
Peer, S.,
Dekker, T.
Heterogeneous preferences toward landscape externalities of wind turbines - combining choices and attitudes in a hybrid model Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews Mariel, P.,
Meyerhoff, J.,
Hess, S. 
Re-estimating UK appraisal values for non-work travel time savings using random coefficient logit model. Transportation Research Procedia Tjiong, J.

Journal Publications in 2014

Title Journal Authors
Random Regret Minimization for consumer choice research Journal of Business Research Chorus, C. G.,
van Cranenburgh, S.,
Dekker, T.
Traffic Information Interface Development for Route Choice Decision Transport and Telecommunication Journal Chowdhury, M. S. A.,
Haque, M. B.,
Sarwar, G.
Analytic Approximations for Computing Probit Choice Probabilities Transportmetrica Connors, R.,
Hess, S.,
Daly, A.
Practical solutions for sampling alternatives in large scale models Transportation Research Record Daly, A.,
Hess, S.,
Dekker, T.
The value of small time savings for non-business travel Transport Economics and Policy Daly, A.,
Tsang, F.,
Rohr, C.
Indifference based Value of Time measures for Random Regret Minimisation models Journal of Choice Modelling Dekker, T.
Incorporating needs-satisfaction in a discrete choice model of leisure activities Journal of Transport Geography Dekker, T.,
Hess, S.
Arentze, T.,
Chorus, C.G.
Changing with the tide: semi-parametric estimation of preference dynamics Land Economics Dekker, T.,
Koster, P.,
Brouwer, R.
Temporal transfer of models of mode and destination choice for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton area Journal of Transport and Land Use Fox, J.,
Daly, A.,
Hess, S.
Miller, E.
Impact of unimportant attributes in stated choice surveys European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research Hess, S.
Contrasts between utility maximisation and regret minimisation in the presence of opt out alternatives Transportation Research Part A Hess, S.,
Beck, M.,
Chorus, C.
Developing Advanced Route Choice Models for Heavy Goods Vehicles Using GPS Data Transportation Research Part E Hess, S.,
Quddus, M.A.,
Rieser-Schüssler, N.,
Daly, A.J.
Contrasting imputation with a latent variable approach to dealing with missing income in choice models Journal of Choice Modelling Hess, S.,
Sanko, N.,
Dumont, J.,
Daly, A.J.
The Attribution of Transport User Benefits by Source using Discrete Choice Models Research in Transport Economics Hyman, G.,
Daly, A.J.
Do Birds of a Feather Flock Together? The Impact of Ethnic Segregation Preferences on Neighbourhood Choice Urban Studies Ibraimovic, T.,
Masiero, L.
Understanding air travellers’ trade-offs between connecting flights and surface access characteristics Journal of Air Transport Management Johnson, D.,
Hess, S.,
Matthews, B.
Out With The Old - In With The New: Would New Social Preference Weights For Eq-5d Inevitably Require A Reappraisal of Previous Cost-Effectiveness Determinations?  Value Health Kind, P.,
Meads, D.M.
Understanding the formation and influence of attitudes in patients’ treatment choices for lower back pain: testing the benefits of a hybrid choice model approach Social Science & Medicine Kløjgaard, M.,
Hess, S. 
Heterogeneity assumptions in the specification of bargaining models: a study of household level trade-offs between commuting time and salary Transportation O'Neill, V.L.,
Hess, S.
A question of taste: recognising the role of latent preferences and attitudes in analysing food choices Food Quality and Preferences O'Neill, V.L.,
Hess, S.,
Campbell, D.