Title |
Journal |
Authors |
Random Regret Minimization for consumer choice research |
Journal of Business Research |
Chorus, C. G.,
van Cranenburgh, S.,
Dekker, T. |
Traffic Information Interface Development for Route Choice Decision |
Transport and Telecommunication Journal |
Chowdhury, M. S. A.,
Haque, M. B.,
Sarwar, G. |
Analytic Approximations for Computing Probit Choice Probabilities |
Transportmetrica |
Connors, R.,
Hess, S.,
Daly, A. |
Practical solutions for sampling alternatives in large scale models |
Transportation Research Record |
Daly, A.,
Hess, S.,
Dekker, T. |
The value of small time savings for non-business travel |
Transport Economics and Policy |
Daly, A.,
Tsang, F.,
Rohr, C. |
Indifference based Value of Time measures for Random Regret Minimisation models |
Journal of Choice Modelling |
Dekker, T. |
Incorporating needs-satisfaction in a discrete choice model of leisure activities |
Journal of Transport Geography |
Dekker, T.,
Hess, S.,
Arentze, T.,
Chorus, C.G. |
Changing with the tide: semi-parametric estimation of preference dynamics |
Land Economics |
Dekker, T.,
Koster, P.,
Brouwer, R. |
Temporal transfer of models of mode and destination choice for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton area |
Journal of Transport and Land Use |
Fox, J.,
Daly, A.,
Hess, S.,
Miller, E. |
Impact of unimportant attributes in stated choice surveys |
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research |
Hess, S. |
Contrasts between utility maximisation and regret minimisation in the presence of opt out alternatives |
Transportation Research Part A |
Hess, S.,
Beck, M.,
Chorus, C. |
Developing Advanced Route Choice Models for Heavy Goods Vehicles Using GPS Data |
Transportation Research Part E |
Hess, S.,
Quddus, M.A.,
Rieser-Schüssler, N.,
Daly, A.J. |
Contrasting imputation with a latent variable approach to dealing with missing income in choice models |
Journal of Choice Modelling |
Hess, S.,
Sanko, N.,
Dumont, J.,
Daly, A.J. |
The Attribution of Transport User Benefits by Source using Discrete Choice Models |
Research in Transport Economics |
Hyman, G.,
Daly, A.J. |
Do Birds of a Feather Flock Together? The Impact of Ethnic Segregation Preferences on Neighbourhood Choice |
Urban Studies |
Ibraimovic, T.,
Masiero, L. |
Understanding air travellers’ trade-offs between connecting flights and surface access characteristics |
Journal of Air Transport Management |
Johnson, D.,
Hess, S.,
Matthews, B. |
Out With The Old - In With The New: Would New Social Preference Weights For Eq-5d Inevitably Require A Reappraisal of Previous Cost-Effectiveness Determinations? |
Value Health |
Kind, P.,
Meads, D.M. |
Understanding the formation and influence of attitudes in patients’ treatment choices for lower back pain: testing the benefits of a hybrid choice model approach |
Social Science & Medicine |
Kløjgaard, M.,
Hess, S. |
Heterogeneity assumptions in the specification of bargaining models: a study of household level trade-offs between commuting time and salary |
Transportation |
O'Neill, V.L.,
Hess, S. |
A question of taste: recognising the role of latent preferences and attitudes in analysing food choices |
Food Quality and Preferences |
O'Neill, V.L.,
Hess, S.,
Campbell, D. |