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Apollo: new version, improved documentation, and enhanced online resources


We are excited to announce a new version of Apollo, the flexible R package for choice modelling.

Version 0.1.0 includes our biggest set of changes so far, including:

  • addition of an ordered probit module to the library of pre-coded functions
  • improved memory usage for multi-core estimation
  • stability improvements
  • additional checks to facilitate coding of even the most complex models
  • many other small improvements and bug fixes

The new version can be installed directly from CRAN servers by typing install.packages("apollo") in the R console.

Along with this new version, we have also significantly enhanced the Apollo website, with an extended and up-to-date manual and a new page with frequently asked questions (FAQ).

To further help the Apollo community keep in touch and learn about new features, we have set up a much improved user forum and an Apollo-specific mailing list. We invite you to register to the new forum (you can control the frequency and types of messages), as well as to subscribe to the new Apollo mailing list.

We hope you and your families are doing as well as possible in these uncertain times, and hope you have fun with Apollo.
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