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CMC members attend IATBR 2022


Members of CMC attended the IATBR in Chile in mid-December. We presented/co-authored 8 presentations, with the full list given below. Further slides will be added in due course.


Paper title Authors (CMC members in bold) Links to slides
Investigating the sources of heterogeneity in the context of preferences towards new transport modes. Thomas Hancock, Fangqing Song, Arash Kalatian and Charisma Choudhury Slides
Comparing machine learning and choice models for modelling the time-use dynamics during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK. Azam Ali and Charisma Choudhury
Using a mathematical representation of brain processes to explain decision making: Adapting the free energy/active inference principle for travel behaviour modelling Stephane Hess, Thomas Hancock, Charisma Choudhury, Faisal Mushtaq, Mark Mon-Williams, Michiel Bliemer, Matthew Beck and Muhammad Fayyaz Slides
Wisdom of the crowd: compare and combine models for out-of-distribution forecasting. Stephane Hess and Sander van Cranenburgh Slides
Travel behaviour modelling at the interface between econometrics and mathematical psychology. Thomas Hancock (Eric Pas keynote talk) Slides
Implementing psychological choice models on real-world data: Theoretical extensions for Decision Field Theory. Thomas Hancock, Charisma Choudhury, Stephane Hess and Panagiotis Tsoleridis Slides
eMDC: Complementarity, substitution, and unobserved budgets for MDC framework. David Palma and Stephane Hess Slides
Clean planes, offsets, flight-shame: travellers' views on the future of air travel around the world. Fangqing Song, Charisma Choudhury, Chiara Calastri, Sabreena Anowar, Maria Bratt Börjesson, Juan Antonia Carrasco, Riccardo Colantuono, Abdul Rawoof Pinjari, Yacan Wang, Shamsunnahar Yasmin and Mark Zuidgeest Slides