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Prof. Nick Hanley - Using choice modelling in low-income countries

Tuesday 21 January 2020, 11:00-12:00
Institute for Transport Studies, room 1.11, University of Leeds

Using choice modelling in low-income countries

Presented by Prof. Nick Hanley,

Chair in Environmental and One Health Economics (Institute of Biodiversity Animal Health & Comparative Medicine, University of Glasgow)

Tuesday, 21st of January, 11:00-12:00.

Institute for Transport Studies, room 1.11, University of Leeds.

All welcome. No booking required.


The application of Stated Preference choice experiments in low-income countries presents a number of challenges to researchers. In this seminar, I review what these challenges are (in general), and then present results from three studies to illustrate how we dealt with some of these challenges in a specific context. The three case studies are (i) interventions to reduce the prevalence of schistosomiasis in rural Uganda (focussing on the use of labour hours as a payment vehicle, and on trade-offs between risks to self and risks to others); (ii) estimating demand for a new vaccine for an important cattle disease in Tanzania and (iii) estimating the effect of legalising trade in an illegal wildlife product (rhino horn) in Vietnam.


About Nick

Nick Hanley joined the Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine, University Of Glasgow, in December 2017, having previously held chairs at the universities of Stirling, Edinburgh and St Andrews. He is an environmental economist who mainly works on the application of economic methods (including behavioural economics) to biodiversity conservation, invasive species, and measures of sustainability. He is also interested in choice modelling and cost-benefit analysis; marine systems; the design of environmental policy (especially Payment for Ecosystem Service schemes); the economics of pollination; and ecological-economic modelling. He is an Associate Editor of Resource and Energy Economics.